Get The Lost Energy Back From Vitamin D

Feature image of Vitamin D.

Hello Beautiful people! Do you feel low on energy? You might think that you live in a Southern state and you’re getting enough sunshine and Vitamin D for good health.

But, lemme tell you that it’s quite possible to have low Vitamin D, and even a deficiency, which can dim your health.

But no worries, in this blog post we’ll discuss its importance, health benefits, indicators of deficiency, recommended intake, sources, tips for optimal levels of this vitamin and more.

Let’s get going!

Sunshine Vitamin And Importance

An image of Vitamin D.

Initially, lemme tell you briefly about Vitamin D, commonly known as Sunshine Vitamin. It plays an important role in maintaining our health. An interesting fact about this vitamin is that our body can produce it when our skin is exposed to sunlight. It is needed for soaking up calcium and making our bones and teeth strong. 

Main forms of Vitamin D 

  • Vitamin D2
  • Vitamin D3.

This vitamin supports our:

  • Immune system, 
  • Helps regulate our mood, and 
  • Protects us against certain diseases. 

Dietary Sources of Vitamin D 

  1. Fatty fish, 
  2. Milk and Cereals
  3. Supplements. 

Many people may have insufficient Vitamin D, but in this blog post, we’ll understand the benefits and proper intake for the best health.

Health benefits of Vitamin D

The health benefits are explained with the help of following table:

Health Benefits of Vitamin D


  1. Strong Bones and Teeth
  • Essential for Bones and Teeth formation
  • Less intake leads to osteoporosis and rickets in children.
  1. Boots Immune System
  • Fight infections 
  • Reduce risks of colds and flu
  1. Heart Health and Cancer Prevention

Lower risk of: 

  • Heart attacks, 
  • Strokes, 
  • High blood pressure.

Protect against breast and prostate cancers.

  1. Mental Health and Mood
  • Regulate mood 
  • Reduce the risk of depression 
  • Deals with anxiety disorders.
  1. Pregnancy Health
  • Helps in bone development in fetus 
  • Lower the chances of preeclampsia.

The following video explains Vitamin D:

Indicators for Vitamin D Deficiency

I’ve mentioned some symptoms of it’s deficiency, they are:

  • Fatigue
  • Bone pain
  • Muscle weakness, aches or cramps
  • Hair loss
  • Reduce Immunity
  • Frequent Illness

Food and Supplement Sources of Vitamin D

You might be thinking I’ve mentioned above that our body produces it but let me tell you it’s not always sufficient. Following are some food and supplement sources that will provide you with Vitamin D.



Food Sources

Fatty Fish (Salmon, Mackerel, Trout, Sardines)


Dairy Products (Milk, Yogurt, Cheese)


Egg Yolks, Fortified Cereals


Cod Liver Oil, Mushrooms (for Vitamin D)

Supplement Sources

Vitamin D3 Supplements


Multivitamin Supplements


Cod Liver Oil Supplements


Vegan Supplements

Recommended Vitamin D Intake

The daily intake for Vitamin D is different for different age groups. The general guidelines on the basis of age are as follow:

Age Group

Daily Intake of Vitamin D 

  • Infants (0-12 months)
400 IU
  • Children (1-18 years)
600-1000 IU 
  • Adults (19-70 years)
600-800 IU
  • Adults over 70 years
800-1000 IU 
  • Pregnant and Lactating Women
600-800 IU

Did you know that over 94% of Americans fall short of the recommended daily intake of vitamin D? Make sure you’re getting enough sunshine or consider a supplement to stay healthy!

Soaking up some vitamin D with my favorite gal! Fresh air and good company are the perfect combo. Loving these moments Sophie! 🐾❤️☀️#Dog #DogMom #Summer #Actress #ActressLife #Actor

— tori london (@MsToriLondon) July 25, 2024

Tips for Optimizing Vitamin D Levels

I’m mentioning some tips for optimizing this vitamin levels:

Sun Interaction

The easiest organic way to gain this is to spend time in the sunlight, especially during the middle of the day because this time UVB rays are strongest. Don’t aim for more than 10-30 minutes of sun exposure without sunscreen.

Sources of Vitamin D

You should include Vitamin D-rich foods in your diet such as:

  • Fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, trout), 
  • Fortified dairy products (milk, yogurt, cheese),
  • Egg yolks, 
  • Mushrooms, and 
  • Fortified cereals.

Supplements for Vitamin D

  1. Take Vitamin D supplements if you have limited sun exposure or you live in northern latitudes with less sunlight. Consult a healthcare professional for personalized recommendations if you’ve specific health conditions.

Multivitamins for Vitamin D

If you can’t meet your daily requirements through diet alone, you must choose a multivitamin supplement that includes Vitamin D.

Regular Testing

Regularly monitor your Vitamin D levels, specially if you’re at risk of deficiency due to habits or health conditions. This will help you achieve your optimal health and well-being.

Vitamin D Helps in Weight Loss?

Vitamin D indeed helps in weight loss but it’s not a direct agent. I’ll mention some points so you’ll understand better:

  1. Hunger Control: It plays a role in controlling your hunger. It mainly helps in preventing overeating and promotes healthier food choices. In this way, it is indirectly supporting weight management efforts.
  2. Regulate Blood Sugar Level: It is involved in Insulin release. Better Insulin regulates blood sugar levels which in turn reduces weight gain.
  3. Muscle Power: For strengthening your muscles, sunshine vitamin is needed, this will support exercise and will maintain a healthy composition of your body.
  4. Metabolism Regulation: For regulation of healthy metabolism, this vitamin is required. If you’ve a balanced metabolism, you’re more likely to lose weight. This’ll support your metabolism and will make your hormones regulated. 

We have discussed that Vitamin D plays a role in your overall health and also supports weight management, but remember that it’s not a miracle that will work overnight and you’ll lose weight. So, be patient and don’t take an overdose.

Healthy weight management requires a combination of:

  • Balanced nutrition, 
  • Regular physical activity, 
  • Adequate sleep, 
  • Stress management, and 
  • Overall lifestyle habits. 


In conclusion, take control of your health – unlock the power of Vitamin D! Remember that it is very necessary for our health, bones, immune system, and mood. 

You’ll stay healthy only if you know how much amount is needed and from where you can get it. The best way is to eat foods that are rich in Vitamin D, take supplements, and safe sunlight exposure. Your health will be improved, bones will be strengthened, immunity will be boosted, if you make Vitamin D a part of your daily routine.


Q1: Sunlight is enough for Vitamin D?

A1: Yes, sunlight is enough, free and direct source of it, but there are some factors that affect the amount of Vitamin D, they are:

  • Geographic location, 
  • Skin color, 
  • Sunscreen use, and 
  • Time spent outdoors.

Q2: What are side effects with Vitamin D supplementation?

A2: Vitamin D supplements are safe if they’re taken as prescribed by a doctor. But excessive intake will lead to toxicity, causing:

  • Nausea, 
  • Vomiting, and 
  • Weakness. 

Q3: Vitamin D supplementation needed by everyone?

A3: No, some people get enough Vitamin D from sunlight and diet, but some may benefit from supplements. Consult a doctor or healthcare provider to determine your needs, because it varies from person to person.

Q4: What foods are rich in vitamin D?

A4: Following are foods that are rich in this vitamin:

  • Fatty fish(like salmon and tuna), 
  • Egg yolks, and 
  • Fortified foods(like milk and cereals).

Q5: How can I come to know about vitamin D deficiency?

A5: The level of Vitamin D can be measured by simple blood test. You need to talk to your doctor, and get tested.

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