Lost In The Weight Gain Maze: Let’s Find Your Way Out

Feature image of unlocking weight gain riddles.

Hello, beautiful people…I know you’re struggling with a weight gain issue but I am here and together we’ll resolve this. What you need to do is believe in yourself and embrace the journey.

5 out of 10 adults don’t even understand the reason behind their current weight level and make unhealthy choices that lead to several diseases.

In this blog post, we’ll crack the code of weight gain like why some people gain weight so easily or lose it while others can’t. We’ll also discuss the reasons that make us gain or lose weight, why most women face this issue after pregnancy, the impact on thyroid health, the importance of balanced meals, calorie intake, weight-gaining factors, and solutions.

Let’s begin!

What Makes Us Lose And Gain Weight?

An image of weight gain and lose.

It is important to maintain our weight and well-being. The concept of gaining and losing weight is so simple.

Weight Gain

Weight Loss

  • If we eat more calories than our body requirements, we gain weight. 
  • Thyroid problems or hormonal imbalances may also cause weight gain.
  • The absence of exercise can also lead to an increase in weight.
  • On the contrary, if we eat fewer calories than our body requirements, we lose weight.
  • Some medical conditions may also cause lose weight.
  • Regular physical activity may also lead to lose weight.

How Toxins Play Role in Gaining Weight

Toxins disturb our metabolism, affect our hormone levels, activate pain, compromise the liver’s detoxifying ability, and more. Toxins include:

  • Plastics, 
  • Pesticides, 
  • Food additives 
  • Heavy metals, etc.

A recent study on plastic water bottles shows that there is a common toxin found in urine that messes with our body’s hormones and eventually leads to weight gain and even cancer.

We should bring down our exposure to all kinds of toxins. We must use natural and organic products, stay hydrated, eat a balanced diet, and also try our best to avoid food additives.

Factors Promoting Weight Gain

Weight gain is a transformation and it varies from person to person. Our body is like a furnace i.e. it is burning calories the whole day. You also need to examine your family tree because genes pass on from parents to offspring.

If 60 percent of your family members are healthy, you should not make the effort to lessen yourself because this will be in vain. The same thing goes for the slim people.

The key factor is burning more calories than you intake. The following are some factors that promote weight gain:


Now coming to the part where women find it difficult to lose weight, yes during pregnancy. We need to understand that it’s common in women that they gain weight during pregnancy for the growth and development of the baby.

But yeah some factors enhance the process of weight gain and they are:

  • Calorie intake 
  • Changes in metabolism
  • Hormonal changes, etc. 


After and during pregnancy women should eat a healthy diet i.e. balanced and rich in nutrients. Eat more fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins. Plus, regular physical activity is also necessary to lose weight.

Thyroid Health

Our thyroid gland has control of our metabolic rate. When our thyroid glands are imbalanced, it can lead to conditions called hypothyroidism(deficiency of thyroid) and hyperthyroidism(overactive thyroid).


Consult a healthcare provider. Take anti-thyroid medicines, and follow a little activity with a balanced diet.

Thing to Eat

Things to Avoid

  • Variety of foods
  • Veggies 
  • Whole grains 
  • Lean meats
  • Good fats.
  • Processed snacks
  • Sugary treats
  • Too many calories.

Exercise and Weight Gain

Many people don’t know about this but exercise can cause an increase in weight. I will make you understand the mechanism, our weight can be increased because of increased muscle mass. Our muscle tissues are thicker than our body fat. This is the reason we might burn fat but our body weight may increase due to an increase in muscle growth. 

Solution: You need to focus on several factors including 

  • Body composition,
  • Balanced diet, 
  • Hydrated body, 
  • Regular exercise.

Don’t forget to keep monitoring your progress!

Nutrition and Weight Gain

Our diet plays an important role in our body’s weight loss and gain. A balanced diet will lead to a healthy weight while an unbalanced diet will lead to multiple weight issues.

Solution: Plan your meals. Take in fruits, vegetables, and proteins. Also, avoid sugary drinks and unhealthy snacks.

The following video is about 14 days weight loss challenge:


Solutions for Managing Weight Gain

Now when it comes to managing our weight there are two approaches based on what you’re aiming for:

For Weight Loss

  • Calorie Deficit; Our main concern is to burn the calories that you take in to hut those pounds.
  • Healthy Eating; You should concentrate on natural foods such as fruits, veggies, lean proteins, and whole grains. Also avoid processed foods, sugary beverages, and unhealthy fats.
  • Increased Physical Activity; When you engage yourself in exercise, it helps in burning calories and also building your muscle. Try to get around 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise or 75 minutes of activity every week.

For Weight Gain

  • Calorie Surplus; If you want to gain weight you’ll need to consume calories more than you use up daily.
  • Nutrient Dense Diet; You should prioritize proteins for your muscle growth and healthy fats. It helps in lasting energy. Opt for foods like meats, fish, eggs, whole grains, fruits, and veggies.
  • Strength Training; Muscle mass building is important for weight gain. You should focus on compound exercises that target your muscle groups.
  • Recovery; Your muscles grow during rest periods so make sure to get quality sleep (7 8 hours of sleep, per night).

Secrets to Unlock Weight Gain

Are you having trouble putting on muscles? Relax, you’re not alone. Gaining weight is challenging. But with the right approach, you can tap into your muscle-building potential. I’m here with some key tips:

  1. Muscle Growth; First of all, you should concentrate on macronutrients such as proteins, this will help you in muscle building and also take in complex carbohydrates for lasting energy. Also add meat, fish, eggs, whole grains, and a variety of fruits and vegetables into your diet. Plus avocados, nuts, and seeds are also beneficial!
  2. Train with Intensity: Secondly, developing your muscles is essential for weight gain. You should focus on compound exercises that will engage your muscle groups simultaneously. The following exercises should be part of your routine
  • Squats,
  • Lunges, 
  • Push-ups, 
  • Rows, 
  • Deadlifts

Also, consider seeking guidance from a certified trainer so you can create a tailored workout plan.

  1. Muscle Repair; Our muscles grow during periods of rest and recovery so make your sleep a priority! Aim to get 7 to 8 hours of quality sleep every night.
  2. Supplementation; last but not least is the usage of protein powder. This can be a method to increase your protein intake which is crucial for your building muscle.

It’s essential to seek advice from your doctor before adding any new supplements to your routine.

  1. Monitor Your Progress: Use fitness trackers or apps that will keep track of your exercise, weight, and daily calorie intake. This will help you make adjustments, to your fitness plan.

#AIart #ぽっちゃり weight gain girl pic.twitter.com/X5UpTFyMKA

— tonwgbelly (@tonwgbelly) July 26, 2024

Take Control of Your Journey

You have to take control of your journey. For this, you need to shift your mindset because you can do it, you can overcome all the challenges and obstacles, and take small steps.

Set your achievable goals and remain consistent with them. Try different activities that you enjoy doing such as dancing or yoga etc. 

You should be healthy from the outside as well as inside. For that purpose, take a good nutritious diet, stay hydrated and do self-care, accept your flaws. If you want people to love you, you need to love yourself first, because people will love you only if you prioritize yourself.


In summary, you must follow a healthy diet with regular physical exercise and trust yourself because if you can think about it, you can achieve it. Learn from your setbacks and remain consistent with your fitness goals.

You can also have your dream physique just by unlocking your inner machine because only you know who you are. Follow the above tips and you’ll be the happy and healthy version of yourself.

Let me know if still you’re having issues with weight gain. I’m here to help you all.

Good luck!


Q1: What are the factors that contribute to an increase in weight?

A1: There are many factors and they also vary in different persons but the most common factors that lead to weight gain include:

  •  Overeating
  •  Lack of physical activity
  •  Hormonal imbalances
  •  Medications

Q2: Does stress and sleep also affect obesity?

A2: Yes, stress can cause overeating and unhealthy food choices, while improper sleep will disturb hormone levels and metabolism. So both chronic stress and disturbed sleep can contribute to weight gain.

Q3: What are the ways that support weight loss and prevent weight gain naturally?

A3: The ways that include weight gain and weight loss are:

  • Eating fruits, and vegetables, 
  • Staying hydrated, 
  • Engaging in regular physical activity, 
  • Managing stress, 
  • Getting enough sleep, and 
  • Avoiding alcohol and sugary drinks.

Q4: How long does it normally take to see results in weight management efforts?

A4: Results vary depending on individual factors such as:

  • Starting weight 
  • Metabolism
  • Diet
  • Exercise regimen
  • Overall health

If you want sustainable results over then then Consistency and Patience are the key. 

Q5: What is the role of mindset in managing my weight?

A5: This is a very important question, your mindset plays a very crucial role in adopting healthy habits, staying motivated, overcoming obstacles, and maintaining long-term success in weight management efforts. You need to make yourself understand what you want to achieve.

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