How To Achieve Best Health – 7 Tips

Feature image for attaining best health.

Hello, beautiful people…ever thought about How to enjoy your favorite meals while attaining the best health? We’ve all heard that If we want to lose weight, we need to eat less and create that calorie deficit (A state in which a person takes in fewer calories than he burns over a given time). But hold on! That’s not true…!!!

I’m here, you need not worry, I’m gonna break down what happens when we under-eat and why cycling ratios over cutting calories is key. And then I want to go into how to achieve best health. Maybe your focus would be on losing weight but mine would be on making you healthy. I’ll help you restore your health. No matter what, we both end up winning.

Let’s dive right in!

Reasons Why We Need A Calorie Deficit for Best Health?

An image of calorie deficit for best health.

The reason why we need a calorie deficit to lose weight, we need to force our body to use its stored energy to fuel. We utilize our stored energy when we have less energy coming in than we need. This is how we lose weight(by using stored glycogen and mobilizing fat stores to fuel). 

The longer we’ve been at a certain weight, the more our body doesn’t want to change from that point. Our body wants to resist change, it wants to protect our fuel stores, and avoid starving, which is why it fights against the weight loss process. 

How To Calculate Your Calorie Needs?

There are numerous ways to calculate a person’s calorie needs. It varies in men and women. One method to calculate is by Harris-Benedict Formula that will give you your estimated basal metabolic rate (BMR):


BMR= 66.4730 + 13.7516 x weight in kg + 5.0033 x height in cm – 6.7550 x age in years.


BMR= 655.0955 + 9.5634 x weight in kg + 1.8496 x height in cm – 4.6756 x age in years.

Why You Should Eat More To Lose More

There are three major reasons why you should eat more to lose more weight, I’ll explain these reasons to you:

Stop Muscle Catabolism (Stress Response)

When our body is having stress, for example during extreme exercise or periods of lengthy fasting, it can enter a catabolic state( in this state the body may break down muscle tissue to provide energy that can lead to muscle loss). By consuming the proper amount of protein and nutrients, we can support muscle betterment and growth, which in turn minimizes muscle catabolism.

More Pleasure/Freedom

When we’re following a restrictive diet or continuously worrying about eating like a horse, we can lead to feelings of deficiency and tension. When we allow yourselves to enjoy a variety of foods in a controlled manner, we can magnify contentment and happiness. This will promote best healthy relationship with our food and a more enjoyable appetite.

Minimize Eating Large Quantities of Food at a Time

If we consume large meals at a time, it’ll lead to discomfort, and we’ll become fat. Eating smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day can help us maintain blood glucose levels, and will also prevent energy collapse. By following this pattern, we can have best health, promote better digestion and nutrient consumption.

The following video is about how you can take a healthy start to achieve best health:–WiB6BE-o2m3E

Strategy To Achieve Best Health Equity

There are many strategies but I’ll provide you with some effective strategies that will help you choose the right foods and eliminate the wrong ones. I have done extensive research and I will try to make these things easy and want you to focus on the following 7 points to have best health and lose weight:

Do breakfast and choose Real Food

This is the easiest and most beneficial thing you can do. Make yourself a healthy breakfast (that includes whole grains, proteins, yogurt, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats). It will help you melt off your weight, lessen your appetite, and eventually your calories will burn.

Stay away from Sugars for Best Health

When you intake sugar, it raises blood glucose which promotes insulin release so you unconsciously activate sugar cravings and increase hunger. It leads to weight gain, affects the brain, and aids inflammation with tooth decay.

Take up more Fiber

Fiber takes in sugar. Foods that are rich in fiber help us control hunger plus support healthy anabolism and catabolism. You should focus on eating fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes.

Sleep well for Best Health

7 to 9 hours of sleep is recommended per night. The absence of good sleep and a nice nap affects metabolism and as a result, you may eat more leading to heart disease, diabetes, and early death. Sleeping well is an easy way to maintain blood sugar and lose weight.

Gulp Water

At least drink 8 glasses of water. Drinking water before meals increases the process of weight loss by about 44 percent. It boosts the metabolism, lessens appetite, and reduces calorie intake. 

Stay Homogenous and Relax

Try to stay homogenous and consistent with your healthy breakfast and routine. I will highly recommend you do some yoga, meditation, or deep breathing to relax yourself, both your mind and body. This will help you melt away all your stress, anxiety, and tension.

Workout Daily for Best Health

Exercise helps in weight loss by:

  • Burn calories
  • Increase metabolism
  • Promotes muscle growth
  • Improves overall health. 

If you combine even 30 minutes of walking with a balanced diet, it’ll create a calorie deficit, that will lead to weight loss very quickly.

Eating Habits for Weight Loss

In this section, I’ll let you know about selecting special foods that will help you boost up your metabolism, and encourage burning calories. It’s important to combine the following food choices with regular physical exercise and a balanced and stable lifestyle for the best outcomes. 

The table given below provides an outline of the different food groups with their examples and their benefits that will assist you in burning calories and weight reduction plans.

Food Group Examples Benefits
Nutrient Rich Foods Fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, healthy fats It will provide you with the necessary nutrients with fewer calories.
Foods rich in Protein Lean meats, poultry, fish, tofu, legumes, Greek yogurt This will provide you with a higher heating effect and also aid in calorie burning.
Fiber-Dense Foods Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, lentils These foods will promote fullness, minimize your hunger, and regulate your blood glucose levels.
Healthy Fats Avocados, olive oil, nuts, seeds It will keep you feeling full, and favorable for cardiac health.
Low-Glycemic Index Foods Whole grains, legumes, non-starchy vegetables, berries It will help in slow digestion and also aids in maintaining blood sugar levels
Remain Hydrated Water It is vital for digestion and improves the burning of fats.
Limit Added Sugars Sugary snacks, beverages, processed foods It will reduce weight, and delay calorie-burning efforts.


Optimizing your health is the best way to get ahead in your job or business.

When you:

✅Exercise daily
✅Get 8hrs of sleep
✅Eat Whole Foods (protein)

You’ll improve your:

✅Daily Performance

If you want to achieve more your health must become a priority.

— Miles Hill | Health & Longevity Coach for Men (@lifelaunchmiles) July 25, 2024

Our Body Mechanism

When our body is continually underfed, ghrelin increases. This is the hormone that triggers hunger, particularly for sweet and fatty foods. Meanwhile, leptin decreases, which is the hormone that regulates energy intake by telling the brain to stop eating. We also start to expend less energy to conserve our stores in order to have best health.

So even if you’re trying to train harder to lose weight, you may find your workouts suffer and your output decreases. Even if you do manage to train hard and push through, your bodies compensate by actually starting to burn fewer calories at rest. So, you might not be able to achieve best health.


In conclusion, to be healthy while eating, you must choose food with lots of nutrients. Take in Low-Calorie, High-Volume Food.

Eat smaller meals more often, and do both cardio and strength exercises. Drink 8 glasses of fresh water, manage your stress, and take a nice nap. Avoid junk food and fizzy drinks, and focus on natural fruits and vegetables.

Follow your routine and be thoughtful about what you eat. By following these simple tips, you can reach your best health and have a balanced life.

Plus let me know which strategy you loved the most?


Q1: Do you think you can’t lose weight because you have crossed the age? 

A1: Now if you’re thinking, I’m too old for this, menopause has messed with my metabolism and I can’t do this, this is even more important the older we get and when we have those hormonal changes occur. As much as retraining our bodies is hard and uncomfortable and will lead to weight gain to start during menopause, we need to do it now to set ourselves up for long-term success.

Q2: What should I do to lose weight?

A2: If you want to lose weight, you need to focus on taking in calories, balanced nutrients, keeping your body hydrated, sleeping well, managing stress, and daily exercise. The most important thing is you need to remain consistent with your healthy habits.

Q3: How does eating smaller, but frequently help with burning your fats?

A3: Frequent, small meals keep your metabolism active throughout the day and prevent overeating in a single session.

Q4: Is there any specific diet I should follow so I can eat more and burn fat?

A4: There’s not a single universal diet, you need to focus on a balanced diet(that is rich in nutrients) with little activity or exercise so you can be mentally and physically fit. Eat fruits, healthy fats, lean proteins, and vegetables, stay hydrated, and avoid sugars and processed foods.

Q5: How long does it take to get results if I follow the above advice?

A5: Results vary from person to person, but if you remain consistent with a healthy diet and exercise, you’ll notice changes over time. Every individual needs and preferences vary so this is very important to find a balanced diet that will work for you to achieve best health.

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